Friday, October 5, 2007


So rude.


SpongyBones said...

Rude as in?

Enemy of the Republic said...

Rude as in that we live in a world governed by fucktards. The last decent president called them out as they tried to make him take off his hate. To me that is rude.

I have downloaded a bunch of fucktard pictures. My guess is that you are familiar with them.

Look, I can't write about sex 24/7. But at least the post has the word fuck, okay?

X. Dell said...

Funny how the word 'fuck' can lead to a pregnancy of meaning.

Enemy of the Republic said...

I think it is an all-purpose word and I would be lost without it.


Yeah it's the-single-most important piece of my vocabulary.There is one for every moment.It's a word,a sentence,noun,verb.....
Must be the biggest invention by us after the wheel